
Make a Will Month

Are you one of the 54% of UK adults who doesn't have a will?

According to research by insurance company Royal London, more than half of adults haven't made a will and 5.4 million people have no idea how to get started.

If you die without making a will, your estate will be divided based on laws out of your control and your wishes may not be carried out. But if you have made a will, or amended an existing one using the proper processes, then you are in control of what happens when you are no longer here.

During March, you can write your will for free.

The charities Railway Benefit Fund (RBF) and Railway Mission are covering the cost of writing or amending a simple will for rail workers and their families. The initiative is kindly supported by the Retired Rail Officers Society (RROS).

Find out more here: https://www.railwaymission.org/make-a-free-will-month

There will be an option to make a donation to Railway Mission and RBF once you have finished writing your will, however, just like leaving a legacy gift in your will, there is no obligation to do so.