
Employee Support Associations

While BTP Federation represents all members, irrespective of their background or identity, we recognise and are grateful for the diverse experience and knowledge of the Employee Support Associations.

We work closely with the ESAs because we're very clear that we are stronger together. Our collective voice can and does make a difference to our colleagues.

Association of Muslim Police

The Association of Muslim Police (AMP) aims to provide support to Muslim staff and officers within BTP and to promote a greater awareness of Islamic issues across the Force. AMP works with the Force in conjunction with the I&D Team in promoting equality of opportunity and positive attitudes towards Islam.

Contact: AMP@btp.police.uk

BRIAN - Neurodiversity Network

The network supports police officers, staff, volunteers and their families. It promotes the subject of neurodiversity, the challenges it can present and the success stories that are present in a range of roles. The network is developing a database of support organisations from the health sector and the voluntary sector that can provide support, guidance, networks and support. It works in partnership with other employee support associations to provide the best possible support network to all colleagues.

Contact: BRIAN@btp.police.uk

Christian Police Association

The Christian Police Association (CPA) is a network of both serving officers and support staff within the police service which is inter-denominational, whose aim is to promote and foster friendship amongst Christians and make the life-changing power and love of Jesus Christ known.

Contact: CPA@btp.police.uk

DisAbility Network

The DisAbility Network aims to support all employees (Police Officers & Police Staff) who have a disability or who experience a condition that impacts on their ability to carry out day-to-day activities, particularly as it affects them in relation to their working environment. The network also aims to support those who care for dependants with disabilities.

Contact: DisAbility@btp.police.uk

Female Support Association

The FPA is British Transport Police's network aimed at supporting its female officers, PCSOs, staff and Special Constables. The aims of the Female Police Association are to: develop and provide a support network for female employees, identify areas of concern specific to women and help to eliminate and address them in a positive manner, make a positive contribution to increasing the representation of women in specialist departments and in the management structure, and work with other minority groups to progress diversity issues

Contact: FPA@btp.police.uk

Gypsy Roma Traveller Police Association

The GRTPA's main aim is to unite and support all police officers and staff who are from a Gypsy, Roma Travller background by promoting equality and fairness and by providing a support forum where members can share and discuss the issues which affect their working life. The GRTPA aims to foster good relationships between the police and GRT communties by providing advice and guidance to UK police services and by acting as liaison between police and GRT communities and organisations. They will also aim to share best practice in how to engage and work with GRT communities.

Contact: GRTPA@btp.police.uk

Hindu Police Association

The Hindu Police Association (HPA) is an employee support group that works with Hindu employees, alongside the wider organisation, to create a fair and inclusive workplace.

Contact: HPA@btp.police.uk

Jewish Police Association

The Jewish Police Association exists to provide a network for the support of Jewish employees, promoting understanding of the Jewish faith within the force by providing advice and guidance on religious, cultural and community issues.

Contact: JPA@btp.police.uk

National Police Autism Association

Offering confidential advice and support whether you are affected personally or professionally, whilst raising awareness of all neurodiverse conditions, promoting inclusion in the police service and communities.

Contact: NPAA@btp.pnn.police.uk

Rainbow Network

The network has a proud twenty-year history, establishing itself in 2003 as LINK and later rebranding as the LGBT+ Network in 2016. It has a solid reputation for championing LGBTIQ+ inclusion across BTP and beyond. It remains steadfast its collective commitment to foster a safe and welcoming working environment which seeks to allow colleagues to bring their whole self to work. The network has opted to develop six key strategic objectives: Engage, Visible, Champion, Enable, Support and Educate.

Contact: RAINBOW@btp.police.uk

SAME - Support Association for Minority Ethnic Staff

SAME is the support network for minority ethnic employees of BTP and was formed in April 2000. It is affiliated to the National Black Police Association (NBPA) but is a separate and independent entity. SANE: enables employee support and education on relevant topics, provides a national perspective on relevant issues, aids policymaking with BTP, highlights issues of concern to other groups (e.g. Federation), potentially mitigates against litigation.

Contact: SAME@btp.pnn.police.uk

BTP Sikh Association

The association values equality, diversity and inclusion and has worked with local Sikh associations and forces to promote equality in the police service and raise awareness of the Sikh faith and ethos. It has acted as a network of support members and has supported the launch of new Sikh police associations.

Contact: BTPSA@btp.police.uk