
Retired officers AGM


It was a pleasure to attend the National Association of Retired BTP Officers’ (NARBTPO) recent Annual General Meeting.

Earlier this month retired officers and guests at the Union Jack Club in Waterloo heard from BTP Chief Constable, Lucy D’Orsi, before discussing the group’s finances, communication, and plans for the year ahead.

NARBTPO provides members with information and updates on common interests including pensions and travel facilities. It also organises social events and enables members to remain connected with friends they met during their service.

Membership is open to all retired officers and staff from British Transport Police as well as the spouses and partners of former members of the force.

Find out more about joining NARBTPO here.

Pictured are Phil White, Secretary of NARBTPO, Chief Constable Lucy D’Orsi, and John Bryant, NARBTPO’s Vice Chair.