
Introducing... The CV Guru


If you’re thinking about life beyond the police service, our newest member service could be invaluable.

Introducing The CV Guru. This service supports police officers and staff to transition into their next career opportunity. From a dedicated careers advisor, to support with writing your CV and cover letter, to the all-important interview prep, help is on hand. And because services are delivered online, they are easy and convenient to access.

Who is behind The CV Guru

After working for over fifteen years in recruitment and the welfare-to-work industry, Emma Alkirwi found it disheartening to watch people fail to secure interviews for roles she knew they would be capable of.

Realising the issue had all to do with the composition of their CV, Emma used her experience to create an expert CV writing service founding the CV Guru in 2016. Since then, the company has grown, and Emma is now supported by a team of expert CV writers, each with their own industry specialisms.

Emma now regularly works with organisations including the Scottish Police Federation.

Learn more

You can find out more about The CV Guru by visiting their member service page, where you will also find the link to place your order.