
Fed rep JP completes his charity challenge


For the first weekend in over a month, Fed rep John Paul O'Kane isn't running, swimming or climbing a mountain.

JP undertook four challenges in four weeks to raise money for Kilbryde Hospice and Brain Tumour Research after losing several close family members to Glioblastoma tumours.

He told us that before starting the challenge, he thought the swim would be the least demanding task, but it turned out to be the most difficult of the four.

"When I finished on Saturday, I wasn't immediately filled with a sense of accomplishment," JP told us. "Probably because a few things had gone wrong with the swim, and possibly because I was on my own and the other three events, I had been with other people. There wasn't that element of sharing that I had on the previous three weekends.

Reflecting on the challenge

"Now that I have had a few days to reflect on these weeks I'm really glad I did it. There were points when I wasn't enjoying it, but these were definitely in the minority.

"The exercise and fresh air have been great, a boost to anyone's mental health. The camaraderie of road trips with friends and seeing new places. I'll definitely be back in North Wales!

"Having had some time to relax, I'm a wee bit sore, but nothing too serious. However, I think the cumulative effect of the three walks has taken its toll on a few of my toenails...

Your donations

"As for the whole point of the challenge, the fundraising. I have been amazed at the generosity of people, often strangers, who have dug deep to help me raise as much as possible for two extremely worthwhile charities.

"I can't thank people enough and I know that every penny will go towards furthering the research into the cause and treatment of Brain Tumours and also the awesome work that all the staff at Kilbryde Hospice do, each and every day."

"You will all know by now, the impact that brain tumours have had on my family, and I cannot express how grateful I am to you all. Thank you."

Almost there

JP has raised 99% of his target. If, as you watch this, you feel you can help him over the final finishing line, do visit his JustGiving page https://www.justgiving.com/team/Team-JP